Clothing Drives
Arlington Kids' Kloset depends on generous donations from our community!
If your organization, sports team, office, etc. would like to host a collection drive, please e-mail our office at or call us at 360-435-4875.
Types of Drives:
Clothing - size birth through adult (school appropriate)
Socks / Shoes (new only)
Gloves / Hats - kids and teens
Underwear (new) - all sizes
Hygiene Products - soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, razors
Arlington Kids' Kloset has been operating as an independent local non-profit since 2005. We provide school clothing—including socks, underwear and shoes—to Arlington, Darrington, Granite Falls and Lakewood School District students whose families qualify for free or reduced lunch at school. We do this in a retail store environment, where children can pick out their own clothes with their families. The only thing that is missing is a cash register! Each school year, Arlington Kids' Kloset provides quality clothing for thousands of low-income students.
Arlington Kids' Kloset receives no government funding or public dollars—100% of our budget comes from private donations.
What you do: Plan, Promote, Collect, and Deliver!
1. PLAN:
Fill out the “Clothing Drive Information Form” and return to Arlington Kids' Kloset before the start of your clothing drive. This helps us track clothing drives and also promote them on our website and social media.
Promote your clothing drive! Distribute and post flyers (available from Arlington Kids' Kloset), send a bulk e-mail, post on your website/Facebook/Twitter. For businesses, remember that promotion can be internal (employees) and external (clients/customers). The more people that know about your clothing drive, the better!
Place your container in a prominent place. Make it fun!
Deliver donations to Arlington Kids' Kloset. Call to schedule a time that works for you to drop off donations! (360-435-4875) Please note that due to limited resources, Arlington Kids' Kloset cannot pickup clothing drive donations. The organization hosting the clothing drive is responsible for delivering all donations to Arlington Kids' Kloset.
Questions? For more information, please call 360-435-4875 or e-mail Thank you!!!